Christmas creating...

In between last minute Christmas shopping, cleaning and trying to put my pregnant swollen feet up, I finally managed to do some creating.

Firstly I've used a Kaiser birdhouse to make a door hanging, I was going to hang it on our front door but considering last year's wreath kind of melted in the sun I think I'll have to find another spot for this one ;) it's a bit hard to see in the photo, but the whole thing is very glittery and sparkly and although I'm not exactly sure what birds have to do with Christmas, that's what's been inspiring me lately ;)
and while shopping the other day I came across these adorable love birds at Bed, Bath and Table and added a couple of branches and berries to make it more festive for a simple centrepiece.
Our tree is up but I need some better light to get some pics, oh and we have half our outdoor lights up too.... so will get onto Matt to get the rest up this weekend!
I've also started making some Chrissy cards, but might have to end up using store bought ones at the rate I'm going lol, as I still have a load of things to get done, and am on my final weekend of doing the Christmas baubles (Yay) and I think I have already written every name possible over the past few weeks and am starting to feel slightly over it now!

That's it for now, but I'll be back over the next few days.

Aga xx


Unknown at: December 20, 2009 at 9:03 AM said...

I love your cute little birdhouse Aga. Have a very happy and safe Christmas.

Aussie TM5 Thermomixer at: December 20, 2009 at 12:51 PM said...

Your birdhouse is stunning Aga! I love the birds too, very cute.

Maxine at: December 21, 2009 at 12:00 PM said...

The birdhouse is gorgeous!! Love the birds too.

Hope you manage to find the time to look after yourself too.

Kirsty at: December 22, 2009 at 1:06 PM said...

Stunning!!! I hope you find a few quiet cool spots over christmas for some nana naps!!!

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