Lessons in Life...

Here is a lesson I just learnt the hard way! My mum bought some hair dye, and asked me to touch up her re-growths, she has fairly short hair and I thought it would be such a waste to throw out the remainder, so I decided I would do my re-growths too! Well while my mum's hair turned out quite nice, my once blonde hair is now a very unflattering shade of orange!
Here is my lesson... If I had bothered to read the insrtuctions I would have performed the strand test, I would have left the solution in for the required time, and I would still have blonde hair!


Anonymous at: June 8, 2008 at 10:56 AM said...

LOL... why am I not surprised?

Tania B at: June 12, 2008 at 7:07 PM said...

Hi Aga, your blog looks great, the photos of your boys are beautiful!
Hey, I just put one of those supermarket colours through my hair and it looked fantastic when I did it, but now it too has gone a lovely shade of orange!!! Not too bright mind you, but even the kids have asked why Mum has orange hair :)Cyou at the LSBS CC tomorrow night!!!

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